And I Love

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Sketchbook: Iridescent Heart (qPID╳Ψキ) Initial Thumbnails

These are my first session of creating thumbnails for a new vaporwave Cupid and Psyche series. The inspiration, if you can call it that, was waking up one morning with the thought "why hasn't anyone done vaporwave greek myths before."

Vaporwave has largely focused around 1990s/2000s-era capitalism when it's storytelling, and the greco-roman æsthetic is largely a thin pastiche atop it.

But, I think Cupid & Psyche works especially well with Vaporwave's themes.

There's the toxic beauty myths around Psyche & Aphrodite/Venus's relationship; both women are treated as if they are in competition with one another by society and that their sole value is derived from their appearances.

Psyche's sisters are commodified by their parents and effectively sold to their older, rich husbands.

Cupid obfuscates his identity. Going into full on irony that he flees from her for not trusting him.

In the original myth, Psyche’s impetuous to discover Cupid's identity was her jealous sisters pressuring her.

(Yeah… If my sister told me she didn't know what her new boyfriend looked like or his name, I'd assume he was a serial killer.)