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Fæking, Dot Edition

Mockup cover image.

I’ve spent the last month working on a book proposal covering my Fæking series. I submitted the manuscript to Fifth Wheel Press, but won’t hear back until late December if it’ll be accepted for their 2024 slate.

In addition to writing and formatting, I’ve done two new photoshoots.

This is also the first time I’ve shot with my Kodak No. 2A Folding Cartridge Hawk-Eye Model B. As I’m having to adapt 120 film to the larger 116 it originally takes, I’m still doing a lot of guess work as to where each frame is. I have absolutely no idea why the frames I did get are variable aspect ratios.

(Excluding top-left, the square format images are the same Diana F+ I’ve used throughout the series.)

Photographs taken September & October 2023.

For the sake of unity, I also went back and re-edited all of my old photos from the series. Starting with brand new negative captures using my Canon R5. Since they’re at a higher resolution, I can print all of them at a larger size than the originals.

New dot variant of Glitter.

I’ve taken to calling this variant the “dot” edition, on account of the spots appearing all over these negatives. Testing, it was that my lens was dirty. Impressive given that I keep a UV filter on it. Æsthetically, I do actually like the effect and will probably try to do something like it intentionally when I’m doing another sci-fi themed series.