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Making Tarot Cards

With calls for art, I do a mix of looking into my back catalog and creating work specifically for the call.

I think that’s because I tend to interpret most things literally. For example, while my Fæking series has elements that could be reinterpreted as tarot or divination-inspired, I don’t really agree.

So with Gallery-O-Rama’s Tarot show, it felt only appropriate to make new art for it. I ended up with two pieces: (1) And Odin Wept Forth the Runes and (2) So, Make Your Own Light in the Dark. Only the latter of which was accepted.

Although it’s hard to tell, these both started as photo transfers (made from self-portraits; and iPhone & public domain images for Odin). I find most of my paintings spend a lot of time in the awful “why did I think I could do this‽” existential crisis stage.

From these relatively simple starts, I applied layer-upon layer of watercolor, ink, acrylic, and luminescent pigment (mixed into both ink and watercolor medium). I should also highlight the use of salt in Odin and rubbing alcohol in Make Light to give it those textures.

My watercolor technique samples. At some point, I want to make a video tutorial covering them.

As the toner transfer I began with would mean these images are non-archival, I felt I could be more daring with materials. Which is why they glow-in-the-dark (and, by extension, can’t be put under anti-UV protective glass).

I’m not sure if I should make a full Tarot deck.

I’d probably be weird and make it with French suits. (I really don’t understand why we use the French game name with Italian suits; “Tarocchi” isn’t that hard to say.)